(724) 789-9300
Pittsburgh Plastics Manufacturing has a major presence in five distinct areas of the global market. We provide the highest quality of materials, workmanship, delivery, and customer service to meet our customers' needs and help them delight their clients.
Serving the medical industry with products that provide cushioning and tissue protection, offering more than 100 SKUs of medical products.
Pittsburgh Plastics Manufacturing designs and manufactures sleek and stylish foot care products that provide shock absorption and cushioning.
We have been developing safety products for over 20 years helping with vibration control and impact protection.
Our products have helped companies mitigate spills, and provide safety equipment for their employees. While offering superior vibration control for their machines and tools.
Are you an engineer, inventor, or entrepreneur?
We love helping our customers develop a custom solution or improve their current product.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
Pittsburgh Plastics Manufacturing is a custom manufacturer started in 1977 and located just north of Pittsburgh, PA. We pride ourselves on being a women-owned manufacturer in the US.
With a commitment to quality and on a mission to develop technologies and solutions for a safer and more comfortable world.
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Pittsburgh Plastics Manufacturing
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